Mrs. Padma Samaradiwakara
Director (Acting)
lET — Katunaya ke
Dear Madam,
About poor management function prevailing in Institute of Engineering Technology
NDES and Special Apprentices Alumni Association would like to inform you about a major discrepancy between management policy and a decision of management with the consequences of that action.
Recently part of the roof of main building was removed in parallel to Austrian Project renovation activities. But all roof tiles had been uninstalled while lab equipment and specially one electrical test bench worth millions of rupees which was used for laboratory practical sessions are left inside building without proper covering. Because of that, we learnt that some of the lab equipment and the said test bench has been destroyed/not in usable condition by the heavy rains prevailed recently. its a general understanding and common sense to remove or properly cover whatever the valuables in the building when roof tiles are removed which is even practiced by public. As per our understanding this kind of negligence and controversial decisions cannot be accepted by top level officers of an institute since a huge loss is incurred to the institute and all students including future students.
it’s learnt that Deputy Principal K.A.S.S Jayasinghe and HOD(Civil) J.L.H Perera, even being attached to Austrian Project and paid by project funds in addition to their normal salaries are responsible for these kinds of poor actions which has now created many more issues in addition to the issues that are present due to lack of resources/lab equipment. Now NDES students will lose another set of practical sessions adding further issues to the list of issues in the institute and on the other hand more funds will have to be spent over buying a new bench (Only if funds are allocated).
it’s with great frustration, we as Alumni Association decided to inform you in this regard since you share the same view on the development of the institute. The Association and members believe this kind of decisions cannot be accepted as well as tolerated under any grounds.
We expect you take necessary actions to investigate the incident and make arrangements to avoid this kind of major losses in future.
Thanking You,
Eng. Damitha Wijethunga. Class 1 Marine Engineer, IEng, MIMarE5T (UK), NDES (Marine)
General Secretary.
CC: Chairman – National Apprentice and Industrial Training Authority.
Secretary – Minister of Science, Technology, Research, Skills Development & Vocational Training and Kandyan Heritage
Project Director – IET Austrian Project.
Auditor General – Auditor General Department
Deputy Auditor General (investigation) – Auditor General Department
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