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Gaining Membership
Anyone who is eligible to become an Official Member can forward a duly filled Membership Application Form to the Executive Committee with endorsements of two current Official Members. Upon the approval, applicant will become an Official Member of the Association after paying recommended dues. Membership categories in terms of dues. Life Membership is a onetime payment of Rs. 1500.00.
Become a Member
- NDES Diplomates
- Anyone who has completed 4 years as NDES Student.
- Anyone who has completed 4 years as a Special Engineering Apprentice under the National Apprenticeship Board.
- Anyone who has completed 4 years as a Special Engineering Apprentice in an organization prior to the establishment of National Apprenticeship Board.
Cessation of the Membership
A member shall continue to be a member as per Eligibility Requirements, or until his death or ceasing to be a member on his own free will. The Executive Committee shall have the power to suspend or remove from membership, any member who in the opinion of the Executive Committee or a Disciplinary Committee appointed by the Executive Committee, is found guilty of misconduct, any unprofessional conduct or contravention of the Rules, Regulations, By – Laws of the Association or whose continued membership is detrimental to the interests of the Association, provided that before a decision to suspend or remove from membership is taken, the member concerned is given an opportunity of showing cause in writing why such disciplinary action should not be taken.