Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of National Diploma in Engineering Sciences & Special Engineering Apprentices Alumni Association will be held on Friday 30th September 2022, at 6.00 p.m. at “Indra Hotel”, No: 174/3, Nedunwatta, Galwala Cross Road, Ragama Road, Kadawatha.
As per the Article 7, Section 1 of the Association’s constitution, I am calling over the nominations for the executive committee for the year 2022/23 to be received to undersigned on or before 28th September via email or through google form
Google form link:
- Registration.
- Lighting of Traditional Oil Lamp.
- Reading the Notice Convening the Meeting.
- Welcome Address.
- Vote of Condolence.
- Reading and Adoption of the Minutes of the Previous AGM.
- Presentation of Annual Report.
- Present and Adoption of Statement of Accounts for previous years.
- Presentation of the constitution changes.
- Adoption of changes to the constitution.
- Address by the current President.
- Election of the Office Bearers for the Year 2022-2023.
- Address by the New President.
- Any other Business.
- Vote of Thanks.
- National Anthem.
- Fellowship and Dinner.
Ticket for fellowship & Dinner has been priced at Rs. 2500/= per individual and reservations can be made at,
Dilupa (98 Batch) – 077-7591064
Or from google form:
Eng. Damitha Wijetunga.
NDES, Class 1Marine Engineer, IEng, MImarEST (UK)
Hon. Secretary.