NDES & SP.ENG APPS alumni association discussed with NAITA chairman regarding the double intake issue and below are the discussed points.
- Recognition of NDES will not be degraded in any form.
- Entry qualifications for NDES will not be changed.
- SOR for IET will be changed and also staff upgrading process including training and higher education opportunities for the staff will be looked in.
- increasing of infrastructure facilities ( lecture halls, furniture, lab equipment…etc )
- No any night lectures for double up program.
- Delay the intake double up process and form a committee with the approval of minister to look in to this matter.
- industrial training standards process will be set up.
- Training monitoring system will be evaluated.
However, after our discussion in the morning (06th Sept. 2018) with us, NAITA chairman has visited IET in the afternoon with some other officials, During the meeting with SANDES, chairman has called off the intake double up decision and NAITA DG has informed this decision to all students at the auditorium.
As you all know we faced several of this kind of unwanted issues in recent past (ex: university college issue, another IET @ Galle…etc) because IET is under NAITA. Based on above scenarios we as the alumni and the protect NDES national movement will
have a joint committee meeting early next week to discuss and decide the future actions.
Damitha Wijetunge.
General Secretary